10 Mistakes Gardeners Make When Planting Perennials in Spring
At any given moment, I’m ready to shout from the rooftops all the ways in which gardening is helping me take care of my mental health. In addition to teaching …
At any given moment, I’m ready to shout from the rooftops all the ways in which gardening is helping me take care of my mental health. In addition to teaching …
Most of the ornamental plants that I’m growing in my backyard are decidedly not native to the Northern Hemisphere where I garden. My camellias are native to Asia, as are …
Last year was a year of extreme drought around the world. From North America to Europe and on to Africa and Asia, few countries escaped the parched earth, fires, and …
Hostas reward gardeners with an ever-changing landscape as they grow back year after year. The lush spring leaves, midsummer blooms, and subtle autumn foliage color make gorgeous mass plantings in …
As I’m writing this article, closely on the heels of the spring equinox, I’m looking out the window at my garden just starting to wake up from its slumber. One …
I cherish fleeting moments in the garden, but I sometimes think that not much else seems as fleeting as the blooming and fading of camellia flowers. After months and months …
After months of impatiently glaring at the garden (as if it was its fault the weather was miserable) and having my nose stuck to the window in anticipation of spring, …
Between you and me, I was itching to start my dahlias as soon as I hit publish on this article on how to overwinter them. But as I’m writing this, …
Hydrangeas are one of the most beloved garden plants around. Not only do their stunning flowers look great in bouquets, but they also have wonderful lush green leaves that uplift …
Daffodil blindness sounds like a dramatic problem, but it describes a common issue – lack of blooms. In fact, lack of blooms can be quite dramatic for those who have …
It seems like only yesterday I was writing an article on how to prepare your roses for the winter months. While at the same time, it also seems like this …
If I had read clematis care advice before buying a single clematis plant, I would have surely abandoned the purchase altogether. While I am generally pretty savvy about deciphering plant …
“I can totally start these flowers from seed,” I mumble under my breath as I weave my way around stands upon stands of starter plants at the gardening center on …
Daffodils are the quintessential bulb, with instantly recognizable flowers that delight throughout spring. The blooms are even more satisfying when growing them on your own, rather than enjoying them purely …
I’m writing this article in early February and the countdown to spring is on. I can almost smell the change of seasons in the air. The days are getting noticeably …
As a gardener, I’m always on the lookout for more plants. Colorful plants. Boisterous plants. Plants that make you go WOW! But when it comes to hydrangeas, I’m partial to …
As the saying goes, two things in life are certain, though allow me to choose not to list them here. But as a gardener, I’d like to petition to add …
Around the world, hydrangeas are one of the most widely grown ornamental plants. They make great cut flowers and handle shade well, suitable for many conditions. They are also considered …
Tell me if this story sounds familiar. You love perennials, so you court them assiduously. In return, they reward your efforts with an abundance of beautiful flowers. You think your …
Back when I first started gardening and had no idea what a biennial plant meant, I was foolish enough to trust the information on the garden center plant tags without …
The quiet. The crunch of snow underfoot. The barren frosted trees. The stillness. All of winter’s enticing beauty. In the stillness, color and movement of visiting wildlife bring incomparable excitement. …
My stubborn attempt to overfill my garden with more plants on a shoestring budget continues throughout the rest of fall. Or at least for as long as the weather allows …
With the garden slowing down in anticipation of the winter months and my bulbs firmly in the ground waiting for spring, I’m now turning my attention to propagating ornamental plants …
What if I told you that you could plant something in your garden that’s worth its weight in gold? No, I haven’t yet found the seeds of the mythical money …