3 Things You Need To Know Before Saving Black-Eyed Susan Seeds
Every time I write about black-eyed Susans, I make it a point to mention how we shouldn’t prune these perennials in the fall. Not only do they look pretty covered …
Every time I write about black-eyed Susans, I make it a point to mention how we shouldn’t prune these perennials in the fall. Not only do they look pretty covered …
How late is it too late to write a geranium fall care guide? Usually, if a care guide comes late in the season, it’s because I procrastinate a great deal. …
I sometimes worry when I notice that the articles in which I confess some of my gardening mistakes are more popular than the ones in which I explain how to …
As I’m writing this in late August, I’m looking at a forest of bamboo in front of me. No, I haven’t gone overboard and planted a bamboo patch in my …
At any given moment, I’m ready to shout from the rooftops all the ways in which gardening is helping me take care of my mental health. In addition to teaching …
Nowadays, there are so many things we take for granted that make our lives as gardeners easier, compared to even half a decade ago; things such as being able to …
The thrill I get when browsing online bulb catalogs is the closest feeling I’ll ever get to that of stepping into a candy shop when I was a child. Then, …
When I first got the gardening bug, I used to despair over the end of the warm summer season. Fall, in spite of its color and richness, brought a bittersweet …
A crowded patch of irises is the most common reason for a disappointing show of flowers. If you’ve experienced a disappointing flush of iris blooms this spring, then it’s probably …
Deadheading spent and faded blooms is a simple way to enhance your garden’s flower power. Removing finished flowers involves a clever bit of trickery. Naturally, a plant’s sole purpose in …
New gardeners are often shocked to discover just how costly a hobby gardening can be. There are thousands of tools, gadgets, and plants to buy. They may not cost much …
The naturally occurring, soft sedimentary rock known as diatomaceous earth (DE) is mined from the ancient remains of lakes and rivers all over the world. The fine powder consists of …