My Rhododendrons Fainted! Why Rhododendron Leaves Curl In Winter
Baby, it’s cold outside! How cold? you ask. So cold that my rhododendrons have fainted. As I was looking outside the window of my home office on a particularly frigid …
Baby, it’s cold outside! How cold? you ask. So cold that my rhododendrons have fainted. As I was looking outside the window of my home office on a particularly frigid …
One lingering side-effect of my first career as an EFL teacher is the constant nerding out over words. Or perhaps it was what pushed me into teaching languages in the …
You know that week between Christmas and New Year’s when it feels like time is dilating and contracting at the same time? When you want to do something but you …
The Anthurium genus is home to many species of colorful tropical plants in the arum family (Araceae). In fact, it is the largest genus within this family, with around 1 000 …
Every time I write about black-eyed Susans, I make it a point to mention how we shouldn’t prune these perennials in the fall. Not only do they look pretty covered …
I wonder if our readers can answer a quick pop quiz. Can you name an annual ornamental plant that: Did you answer “marigolds”? Because if you did, you’re absolutely right. …
Earlier this week, an email landed in my inbox that had me rolling my eyes in exasperation and exclaiming out loud This again? Haven’t I just done this? No, it …
I first became aware of the necessity of pruning perennials in the summer when I came back from an early-July vacation to a wild garden that was quickly getting out …
When people hear that I spend my free time gardening and my work days writing about gardening, they assume I must have the perfect garden. This couldn’t be further from …
Did you know that this is the year of the hosta? I didn’t just make that up. The National Garden Bureau (NGB) declared hosta “perennial of the year” in an …
I usually draw inspiration for my articles from whatever is happening in my garden. But for this one, it’s different. What inspired this article was an unfortunate piece of advice …
When it comes to pruning magnolias, my first piece of advice would be to ask yourself this question: Do I really NEED to? Not “Do I want to?” Or “Should …
It’s time to prune my buddleia. Obviously, I want to document this gardening job for our readers as I’m doing it. But I have to admit that I get a …
Ask any of my friends, and they’ll tell you how much I like to encourage plant ownership. But I don’t believe in buying just any houseplant though. There is such …
I remember first seeing a thick carpet of winter aconites while we were visiting a botanical garden a few years ago. Yes, we’re the kind of people who visit botanical …
How late is it too late to write a geranium fall care guide? Usually, if a care guide comes late in the season, it’s because I procrastinate a great deal. …
Monstera adansonii, often called Swiss Cheese plant or Monkey Mask plant, is a popular tropical houseplant. Its main feature is its unique and attractive foliage and its ability to climb …
Planting tulip bulbs is one of those garden jobs that I would rather skip. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love having tulips blooming all over my garden in spring. …
I often feel the need to defend growing annuals whenever the topic comes up in conversation. Most of the ornamentals in my garden are perennial, but there are always some …
Under the right conditions, bougainvillea can grow out of control. The frequent pruning they require throughout the growing season provides many opportunities to propagate bougainvillea from cuttings to grow additional …
You’d think that by this time in the year, I’ve already exhausted the most common methods of plant propagation. I’ve already written guides about propagating by seed starting, taking cuttings …
There comes a time in the life of most homeowners when the question comes up of what to plant along a property line or fence. Maybe you’re ready to plan …
The swoon-worthy willow tree has long been a symbol of romance, but did you know that there are more than 350 different varieties of these gorgeous deciduous trees? A particular …
Mistakes in gardening are like aphids. They may ruin your day temporarily, but as long as you aren’t bothered too much, the problem will solve itself. I’ve come to accept …
I sometimes worry when I notice that the articles in which I confess some of my gardening mistakes are more popular than the ones in which I explain how to …